Posts Tagged ‘Ultra-running’
Dirtbag Inspiration at the San Diego 50 Mile Run
Another 50 mile run done! As the evening light faded away I crossed the finish line of the San Diego 50 to the cheers of a wonderfully supportive crew of volunteers, race staff and fellow runners. I collected my finisher’s medal, posed for some pictures and then greeted some of my fellow finishers; some folks…
Read MoreMore than 2100 miles!
2024 was an excellent year for me on the trail despite having a lower mileage year than usual. Not sure how that happened—but I did manage to tally more than 2100 running and hiking miles for the year. But despite the lower overall mileage, I had many big mileage days as I continue to ramp…
Read MoreCarry On My Wayward Son! Kansas Rails-to-Trails Extravaganza 50 mile Ultra-Run
The East and West Coasts have primarily been my stomping grounds. When I committed to run a marathon or ultra-run in all 50 states my main intention was that it would get me to a lot of places I probably wouldn’t have gone to otherwise. And my intention was to actually see and experience those…
Read MoreBaker Lake 50K
Running through a landscape of past explosions with an implosion of new ultra-runners! I’ve longed wanted to run the Baker Lake 50K, but every year on race weekend I was committed to being someplace else! But this year my calendar finally allowed me to sign up—and sign up I did! The race has been going…
Read MoreFeeling the Burn — The Tillamook Burn 50K
I started running ultra-marathons six months before turning 50. My goal was to successfully run the White River 50 mile Endurance Run to celebrate my 50th birthday. What I thought would be a short lived phase has turned into a lifestyle. I absolutely love the challenge and excitement of pushing my body on 30-plus mile…
Read MorePutting My Condition into Remission
Today marks two weeks since I have been off prednisone. I had been on the medication for just over three years starting when I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR), an auto immune inflammatory disorder. My symptoms began in the spring of 2020 shortly after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak—and they grew progressively worst that by…
Read More2,280.1 miles!
2023 was an excellent year for me on the trail! I ended up tallying just under 2300 running and hiking miles which included some pretty memorable experiences. And despite that I upped my game when it came to ultra-running, I actually ran 41 miles less this year than last! I must be slowing down! I…
Read MoreCuyamaca 100K Endurance Run
Running 62 miles to celebrate 62 years A few minutes after midnight I came over the finish line. I had started running at 6:30 am the previous morning alongside 245 other participants. We assembled in beautiful Rancho Cuyamaca State Park in the mountains east of San Diego to run the Cuyamaca 100K Endurance Run. We…
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