Posts Tagged ‘trail running’
Dirtbag Inspiration at the San Diego 50 Mile Run
Another 50 mile run done! As the evening light faded away I crossed the finish line of the San Diego 50 to the cheers of a wonderfully supportive crew of volunteers, race staff and fellow runners. I collected my finisher’s medal, posed for some pictures and then greeted some of my fellow finishers; some folks…
Read MoreMore than 2100 miles!
2024 was an excellent year for me on the trail despite having a lower mileage year than usual. Not sure how that happened—but I did manage to tally more than 2100 running and hiking miles for the year. But despite the lower overall mileage, I had many big mileage days as I continue to ramp…
Read MoreFeeling the Burn — The Tillamook Burn 50K
I started running ultra-marathons six months before turning 50. My goal was to successfully run the White River 50 mile Endurance Run to celebrate my 50th birthday. What I thought would be a short lived phase has turned into a lifestyle. I absolutely love the challenge and excitement of pushing my body on 30-plus mile…
Read MorePutting My Condition into Remission
Today marks two weeks since I have been off prednisone. I had been on the medication for just over three years starting when I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR), an auto immune inflammatory disorder. My symptoms began in the spring of 2020 shortly after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak—and they grew progressively worst that by…
Read MoreCuyamaca 100K Endurance Run
Running 62 miles to celebrate 62 years A few minutes after midnight I came over the finish line. I had started running at 6:30 am the previous morning alongside 245 other participants. We assembled in beautiful Rancho Cuyamaca State Park in the mountains east of San Diego to run the Cuyamaca 100K Endurance Run. We…
Read MoreWhite River 50K: Returning to where it all started
It was back in 2011 when I decided to take up ultra-running. I was on the verge of turning 50 and had become fascinated with the annual and iconic White River 50 mile run held near Mount Rainier. White River had grew into one of the country’s biggest and most famous 50 mile races attracting…
Read More2,321.1 miles!
Last year was a good year for me on the trail! I ended up amassing more than 2300 running and hiking miles which included some pretty memorable experiences. While I got hit with Covid (who hasn’t at this point?) in May, I thankfully was able to recover fairly fast and get back on the trail.…
Read MoreAndiamo, It’s Time to Hit the Trail!
It’s that time again! I am once again participating in the annual Hike-a-Thon for the Washington Trails Association! Last year we raised more than $7700 for our trails! WOW! If you were among my donors-a big thanks once again for your generosity! If you weren’t, please consider helping out this year! And of course if…
Read MoreAttack of the Agitated Owl
If you hike and trail run frequently this time of year, you may feel the wrath (but hopefully not the talons) of an overly protective barred owl. Now most folks are worried about not-so-friendly encounters with bears, mountains lions, rattlesnakes and other assorted critters. Fair enough. But it’s those owls that worry me and you…
Read MoreHere Comes the Sun
Do you celebrate the Winter Solstice? Most folks who partake in the more secular aspects of the Christmas season in essence do celebrate the Solstice in one way or another. For me, this time of year is usually a deeply reflective time. In fact, when the Solstice arrives with its promise of more daylight each…
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