Hiking Tips
Putting My Condition into Remission
Today marks two weeks since I have been off prednisone. I had been on the medication for just over three years starting when I was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR), an auto immune inflammatory disorder. My symptoms began in the spring of 2020 shortly after the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak—and they grew progressively worst that by…
Read MoreWant Peace and Quiet at the Grand Canyon? Be Part of the One Percent!
With more than 5 million annual visitors, the Grand Canyon is our 4th most visited national park. And if you’ve ever experienced the grandeur of this amazing landmark, it’s not hard to understand why. Folks come from all over the country and world to see this stunning geological feature on the Colorado Plateau. The canyon…
Read MoreBug bites bite! But they don’t have to itch!
If you’re like me you probably just grudgingly accept that part of being in the great outdoors is sharing it with a slew of annoying and biting insects. I detest insect repellents (I don’t like applying toxic substances to my body and I hate being sticky afterward),so I try my hardest not to use them—which…
Read MoreFinding Solitude in Motorcycle Country
I love wilderness areas—especially wilderness areas with a large W. In those federally protected areas I am assured that the land I will be hiking or camping in is protected from incompatible uses such as resource extraction, roads, and developments. It will remain untrammeled. No bikes, motorcycles, motorized equipment, drones and other modern day intrusions,…
Read MoreClosing Restrooms is a Crappy Idea
Covid-19 is no doubt a serious health threat, and we should be doing all we can to avoid contracting it. However, so is hepatitis and a buttload of other nasty diseases—and having to negotiate a fecal minefield is just as risky as being in a crowded room of people coughing and sneezing. While I applaud…
Read MoreCovid-placent: Indifference and Selfishness goes viral
Did I miss the memo? The one that said that the Covid-19 Pandemic is over. Because by the way many of our trails and parks looked this past weekend—and how so many people were behaving in public—you’d swear that we just subdued that nasty little virus and there was nothing more to be concerned about.…
Read MoreAvoid Crowded Trails like the…Coronavirus
Many of Washington’s state parks and forests will soon be opening back up for recreation. I imagine too that soon our state’s national forests will be doing likewise. To many hikers and runners including this one who has been adhering to the governor’s stay at home decree—we welcome this news. However, many others think it…
Read MoreThis Week’s Featured Hike: Your Neighborhood
Hike of the Week 03.26.20 Quick Facts: Location: Throughout the Northwest Land Agency: families, HOAs, sundry municipalities and park districts Distance: as far and as long as you like, but do it regularly Elevation Gain: elevated mood Contact: Your friends and neighbors (from a safe distance) and share some good news Notes: Dogs encouraged, no…
Read MoreDon’t Feed The Ticks!
Put all your cougar, bear, wolf, and Sasquatch fears aside. The biggest nuisances on the trail you’re sure to encounter this spring—especially if you venture south and east are ticks. While they’re not too much of a concern in Western Washington, their range is expanding and areas that were once tick free are now crawling…
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