Independence Day Themed Hikes to set you Free!

Happy Independence Day! Hiking and spending time in the outdoors is a great way to celebrate our nation’s independence. Our parks, forests and preserves are one of the best attributes of our nation (along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of course)! Here are eight great Independence Day themed Washington hikes for you…

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Ticked off!

Romano’s Hiking Tips No. 1 Ticks Ticks! They make my blood crawl just thinking about them crawling on me looking for blood! Just last week while hiking through a coastal forest in North Carolina, one managed to sneak into my car and another followed me back to my hotel. I once had one hitch a…

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The Moose is Loose in Washington State

I grew up hiking in New Hampshire, one of the moose-densest states in the union. Moose are everywhere in the Granite State. Highway signs warn of hitting them which is a real road hazard in the state. On return trips to my home state to hike and paddle, I almost always see these largest members…

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The Hanford Reach –One of Washington’s unsung Great Places

When we think about Washington’s great national parks and monuments, we usually quickly think: Mount Rainier, Olympic, and North Cascades National Parks as well as the Mount St Helens National Volcanic Monument. Very few of us however think of the Hanford Reach National Monument. Created by President Clinton in 2000 by using the Antiquities Act…

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Washington’s Top Three White-knuckle Trailhead Roads

It’s nice when we can reach our favorite trailheads via nice paved roads—or at least wide, well-graded and regularly maintained gravel roads. But unfortunately that’s not usually the case—and we are often faced with the dilemma of having to drive a harrowing road to get to the trail. While some of us drive pickups and…

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Larch Madness

October is one of my favorite months to hike. I love the cool nights—warm days—and vibrant foliage. But this is the Evergreen State, where Douglas-firs, western hemlocks, and western red cedars make up most of the vast forests of western Washington. I pine for the deciduous forests of the northern Appalachians where the hillsides turn…

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Cougars in Heat–a Chilling Encounter!

Okay, before I get started here. Absolutely no jokes about attractive older women in pursuit of younger men or randy Washington State University students here. This post is about mountain lions following nature’s orders to make more mountain lions. And it’s about how a few autumns ago I nearly walked in on a mating couple.…

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Save the Whistler Canyon Trailhead!

The Whistler Canyon Trail (Hike no. 2 in my Day Hiking Eastern Washington book) is a gem. Located just south of Oroville, this Okanogan River Valley Trail is part of the Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail. One of the best places in the state to see California bighorn sheep, this trail also offers stunning valley…

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